How to make money online
Author: Subrayan S Hope you are doing good, Nowadays everyone is talking about making money online. I can see set of people trying to be content creators on YouTube to earn money. But there is another alternate way to make money online. I will explain it now. Freelancing, yes freelancing can make you rich in no time. Freelancers also known as independent contractors are no regular employee to a company(not on their pay roll) but they are hired to fix certain issues or complete a particular task. The difference between a regular employee and a freelancer is regular employee can get company's PF, Insurance and other benefits but freelancers can't get anything but fees. And freelancers can work multiple companies at a time which is not possible for a regular employee. So both has it's pros and cons. we will see that in a future post. what inspired me to make this post Recently I made a LinkedIn post about my Upwork freelance journey. After that post so many new people co...